
10 Essential Tips for Installing Graphics Kits on Your Dirt Bike

Feb 15th 2014

Installing a graphics kit is one of the best ways to customize your dirt bike and make it uniquely yours. With the right graphics, you can transform the look of your bike and set yourself apart on the trails. However, there is an art to applying dirt bike graphics properly. Do it wrong, and you may end up with a subpar result full of bubbles, wrinkles, and uneven sections.

Follow these 10 essential tips when installing graphics kits on your dirt bike to achieve stunning, professional-level results:

1. Thoroughly Clean the Plastic Surfaces

The first step is to clean the plastic bodywork where you will apply the graphics. Any oils, grease, dirt, or contaminants left on the surface can prevent the graphics from bonding correctly. Use isopropyl alcohol and lint-free cloths to wipe down all plastic sections thoroughly. Scrub any especially dirty spots and make sure to remove any waxes or polishes as well.

Take your time with this step and get the surfaces meticulously clean for the best graphic kit results. The cleaner the plastic, the better the graphics will adhere.

2. Carefully Align the Graphics

Once the body panels are prepped, lay out the graphics one section at a time and carefully align them into position before removing the backing. Use light tape like painter’s tape at the edges to temporarily hold the decals in place as you work.

Take care to precisely align graphics along body lines, around vents or openings, and with any designs that join together across panels. Extremely complex kits may take more time and patience to perfectly align.

Proper alignment ensures your finished graphics will flow smoothly across the various sections of plastics for a cohesive, professional look. Rushing this step can lead to misaligned or crooked graphics that detract from the overall design.

3. Remove the Backing and Apply Gradually

After double checking alignment, begin slowly removing the backing paper or film from the graphic decal. Gradually apply the material from one end to the other while using your thumb or a plastic applicator to smooth it out. Work in small sections, applying pressure from the center outward.

As you remove the backing, hold the graphic up off the surface slightly so it doesn’t stick prematurely in the wrong spot. Use the tape temporarily holding it in place as guides. Be slow and methodical during application for the best results.

4. Use Heat and Patience on Curved Sections

Applying graphics to curved fenders, airbox covers, and other rounded dirt bike plastics can be tricky. The material won’t want to conform smoothly at first. This is where using a heat gun or blow dryer on a low setting can help soften and stretch the vinyl.

Carefully heat small areas at a time and work in 1-2 inch overlaps, smoothing as you go. The heat allows the material to stretch easier around contours as you apply it. Take your time and don’t overheat any one spot to avoid damage.

Patience is also key on curved surfaces. The graphics may not lay perfectly on the first try. Simply lift and re-apply small sections as needed while using heat, and eventually you’ll get a flawless application.

5. Apply Pressure from Center Outward

Regardless of the surface, always apply pressure to the graphics from the center outward using your thumbs or a plastic application tool. Smoothing from one end to the other or side to side can cause air bubbles.

Start at the middle of a decal and work upward, downward, left, and right using firm pressure. This pushes air out toward the edges to prevent bubbles from being trapped under the material.

For larger graphics like side panel decals, have someone help by working from the opposite end while you apply pressure starting in the center and moving outward. The extra hands make it easier to properly squeegee larger graphics during installation.

6. Lift and Reapply if Bubbles Appear

Despite your best efforts, sometimes bubbles or wrinkles occur, especially in complex graphic kits. If this happens, don’t worry - simply lift that section of vinyl backup and reapply while pressing from the center outward.

Smaller bubbles can often be eliminated without lifting the decal. Use a push pin to pop them, then apply pressure with your thumb while moving outward from the center.

Repeatedly lifting and applying the graphics may feel tedious, but taking your time to get each section perfect is worth it for awesome looking finished graphics. Be patient and persistent.

7. Allow Adequate Space Around Holes, Vents, and Hardware

When aligning and applying the graphics, be sure to leave ample space around any holes, vents, fasteners, or other openings on the plastic bodywork. You want the vinyl decal to lay flat on the surface without attempting to bridge over gaps or uneven sections.

Depending on the location, leave at least 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 inch of clearance around openings. This prevents vinyl from lifting off the edges, reduces tearing, and allows access to hardware that needs to be removed. Trying to wrap graphics too closely around openings leads to problems down the road.

8. Trim Excess Vinyl Carefully After Application

Once all the decals are applied, go back and trim off any vinyl overlapping past the edges of the plastic panels. Use a new, clean razor blade or a sharp hobby knife for crisp, straight cut lines. Take it slowly to avoid damaging the bodywork underneath.

Having someone assist with this makes the process easier - one person can hold the graphic edge up while the other carefully trims. Any leftover vinyl can be peeled off after cutting. Be thorough and trim all graphics so no edges are left visibly overlapping onto other parts of the bike.

9. Allow Graphics to Cure for 24 Hours Before Riding

After completing the graphics installation, let the bike sit for at least 24 hours before riding so the vinyl has time to fully adhere and bond to the plastics. Keep your dirt bike stored in a warm area above 60°F during this period for ideal results and proper curing.

Riding too soon can cause the graphics to lift at the edges or bubble in spots as heat and wind pressure push against insufficiently bonded areas. Avoid washing or waxing the graphics until after the full curing time as well. The wait is difficult, but well worth it for graphics that stay flawlessly affixed for the long term.

10. Start with Properly Prepared Surfaces and Take Your Time

Two overriding tips to remember for immaculate graphics installation:

  • Proper preparation is crucial - Only apply graphics to dirt bike plastics that are in excellent condition free of flaws, cracks, or damage. Thoroughly clean all application surfaces and take care in alignment. Rushing through preparation leads to a lower quality finish.
  • Have patience and work slowly - As tempting as it is to slap the graphics on quickly, slow and steady application wins the race. Methodically lift, apply, and squeegee small sections while paying close attention to alignment. Don't be afraid to peel up and reapply problem spots. Perfect graphics are the ultimate reward for exercising patience during installation.

By following these 10 essential tips, you can achieve stunning, professional quality graphics on your dirt bike that will turn heads out on the trails. With the right materials and some patience, anyone can transform their bike with aftermarket graphics kits. Just take your time and don't cut corners - the end results will be well worth the effort for a bike that uniquely reflects your riding style.

Additional Tips for Flawless Graphics Installation

Installing aftermarket graphics kits is an art that takes practice. Beyond the 10 essential tips, here are some additional pointers for getting truly professional results:

  • Work in a warm, clean area - Temperature and environmental factors impact vinyl application. An enclosed space free of drafts and dust is ideal. Maintain consistent warmth between 65-80°F.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before starting - Oil and dirt transfer from fingers can lead to flaws in the finished graphics. Clean hands are a must when handling the decals.
  • Use sharp scissors and blades - Quality trimming tools make vinyl cutting easier and prevent jagged edges. Replace blades often for best performance.
  • Apply transfer tape to tricky areas first - On deeply contoured panels, apply transfer tape over the graphics before the backing to hold it in place during application.
  • Check alignment from all angles - Step back and view the graphics from various perspectives to ensure they are straight from all viewpoints.
  • Remove air release channels - Many kits include small cuts in the vinyl to let air escape. Make sure to snip these out prior to final application.
  • Avoid direct sunlight - Direct sun exposure can cause graphics to cure unevenly or become too hot during application. Work in shade or indirect light.
  • Watch online tutorials - Seeing graphics kit installation done properly on video helps you learn techniques. Study videos before attempting your first kit.

Taking time to master the nuances of graphics application leads to stunning custom bikes. With the right preparation and tools, have fun showcasing your riding style and personality on the trails and tracks with perfectly installed graphics kits. Just don't forget patience and persistence are the keys to success.

Get Creative and Make Your Bike Uniquely Yours

Along with following essential application tips, custom graphics kits let you showcase your creativity and passion on your dirt bike. Here are some fun ways to get creative with graphics:

  • Mix and match kits - Many companies sell coordinated kits separately for plastics and radiator shrouds. Mix colors and designs for one-of-a-kind style.
  • Incorporate number plates - Integrate your race number colors into the overall graphics scheme for a factory team look.
  • Highlight key features - Use graphics shapes and colors to accentuate vents, headlights, exhaust, or other elements you want to stand out.
  • Extend designs onto parts - Carry graphics over onto radiator covers, fenders, gas tanks, or other components for added visual impact.
  • Collaborate with other riders - Have a crew of friends? Coordinate everyone's graphics for a cohesive team appearance.
  • Change graphics seasonally - Freshen your bike's look by swapping graphics kits when you switch between off-road and motocross riding.
  • Add small custom touches - Use extra decal material to create your own unique graphic accents in colors that pop.

With the right skills and creative vision, you can design a truly one-of-a-kind dirt bike that expresses your personality. Enjoy the process of customizing your bike and standing out from the crowd with unforgettable graphics.

Transform Your Bike and Riding Experience with New Graphics

A perfectly applied Graphics Kit can completely transform the look of your Dirt Bike. The right graphics design becomes an extension of your own style and enhances your connection with the bike. Installing a Graphics Set yourself follows the same rewarding ethos of dirt biking - mastering a skill through practice and determination until you get it right.

Beyond looks, new graphics can re-energize your riding experience. A customized bike inspires you to regularly hit the tracks and trails with renewed enthusiasm. Seeing your unique design put together with care uplifts your riding.